

Mill No. 5 is dedicated to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment across all of its various manifestations including its conferences, events, online forums, and official communications


Everyone has the right to enjoy our programs and activities free of harassment, threats, mistreatment, or discrimination. We reserve the right to revoke access to any of our activities for anyone who does not adhere to the organization’s code of conduct.  

These policies apply to all participants in Mill No. 5 organized events or forums including delegates, guests, staff, volunteers, and vendors. Press and other functionaries are held to the same standards.

We are committed to creating conditions for equity.



Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Bullying, intimidation, stalking, or threats in person or online.
  • The use of epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping.
  • Sustained disruption of events.
  • Violence or assault of any kind.
  • Inappropriate or unwanted physical contact.
  • Physical intimidation or blocking.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention, innuendo, or joking.
  • Non-consensual production or distribution of harassing recordings.
  • Comments or actions that minimize a person’s lived experience, identity, or safety.
  • Deliberate outing, misgendering, refusal to respect someone’s gender identity or use of pre-transition names.

Particularly in connection to:

  • Race, ethnicity, or national origin
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Sex or sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Disability, neurotypicality, medical condition, or pregnancy
  • Religion
  • Citizenship Status
  • Body size or physical appearance
  • Language proficiency
  • Class

Harassment is not:

Discussing or criticizing oppressive behavior, assumptions, or precedent.


How To Report Harassment


If you feel unsafe in your immediate situation, move to a safe location, alert our staff, and call 911.

If you experience or witness any form of harassment or discrimination, please contact a Mill No. 5 staff member.  All complaints will be investigated – please provide detailed information and your contact information.

Any reported allegations of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation will be investigated promptly, thoroughly, and impartially. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent consistent with adequate investigation and appropriate corrective action.

Mill No. 5 believes that we are all responsible for preventing discrimination, harassment, and violence. We encourage members of our community and participants in our programs to work collectively to prevent inappropriate and harmful behaviors. Strategies for intervention include disrupting the harassment, asking the harasser to stop, and asking for help. If you, or anyone else, is in danger please seek assistance immediately.

Restroom Policy

Gender diversity is welcome here. Mill No. 5 offers all guests access to the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity or expression, regardless of sex assigned at birth. Please use the restroom that is most comfortable for you. Mill No. 5 staff is available to offer support or answer questions.