
Loyalty Status

Check your loyalty status for coffee and cotton, the Lune Theater, and Dows Soda Fountain

Music Booking

Would you like to perform at Mill No. 5? We would like to hear from you. Mill No. 5 offers paid performances at Coffee and Cotton as well as during The Farm Market. 

Artwork Display in Coffee and Cotton

Would you like to display your original artwork at Coffee and Cotton? We would love to hear from you. 

Artwork Display Agreement

Become a Shop

Are you interested in renting space at Mill No. 5? We’re always on the hunt for people that want to join our community. Tell us about it. The more information that you can provide the better. 

Partner Calendar Submission

Are you a Partner or a shop at Mill No. 5 and have an event to submit to the calendar please click here:

Partner Space Booking

Are you a Partner or a shop at Mill No. 5 and have a space request? Please click here:

Calendar Image Template

Our calendar images are optimal at 300 x 453 pixels. Please click here for a template for Adobe Acrobat: